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July 11, 2023
MAKING AUTO REPAIRS CONVENIENT FOR OUR CUSTOMERS At Martino’s Auto Center we realize that sometimes having your vehicle in for service can be stressful. Who wants to be without their vehicle for the day, or possibly more depending on what may be needed? Making plans to be dropped off, and picked up, or maybe needing to reserve a rental car can be hectic and time consuming. And, sometimes your vehicle may not be drivable, and need a tow in to our shop. Ever have to wait around for AAA, or some other towing company for hours while you are stranded at home, or on the side of the road? We try to alleviate these concerns to make your visit with us pain free. Here are just a few ways we do that for our loyal customer! Free Local Rides to Home or Work: Our dedicated staff is always available to provide local rides back home, or to work in the morning. And, when your car is ready to pick up we can bring you back to the shop as well. Overnight Drop Off: We are open Monday thru Friday 8:00AM – 5:30PM. If you would like to drop your vehicle after business hours, we offer a drop off box and slot, so you can securely leave your vehicle. And for your piece mind, we will even call you in the morning to confirm we received your keys, and verify what your car is scheduled for. Towing and Jumping Batteries: Did you know we offer reliable towing services through our local and long term partners? We won’t keep you waiting around all day either. We will even come out and provide a battery jump if you are stuck. Loaner Vehicles: While usually in high demand, we also offer a handful of loaner vehicles for local driving needs. If we need to keep your vehicle over the weekend, or for a few days, ask us about our loaner car agreement.
July 11, 2023
WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR CHECK ENGINE LIGHT COMES ON At Martino’s Auto Center we diagnose and repair check engine lights using the most up to date diagnostic scan tools. In fact, we’re so good, we have it down to a science! The first thing you want to do if your light comes on is DO NOT IGNORE it. Schedule an appointment as soon as possible. Delaying just for a few days, or weeks could make the situation much worse. The majority of check engine light issues start out small, but will grow into larger, more costly problems over time. Here are a few examples, starting with the worst case scenario. Failed Catalytic Converter: A failed catalytic converter will most likely only occur if the check engine light has been on for some time and has been ignored. This part convert’s hazardous exhaust fumes into less harmful emissions, but can fail over time if easier to fix parts fail first, which would most likely have triggered the check engine light to come on a while ago. Bad O2 (oxygen) Sensor: This is one of the easier to fix parts before a catalytic converter will go bad. Your O2 sensor is located in the exhaust system, and monitors how much fuel needs to be burned. If the sensor fails you will probably notice a drop in your vehicle’s fuel efficiency. Failed MAF (mass air flow) Sensor: This is another sensor related to the catalytic converter. This one measures incoming air and calculates how much needs to be mixed with the fuel to ensure a proper running engine. A failed O2 sensor can lead to the engine running rich, which will also lower fuel efficiency and damage the catalytic converter. Dirty Spark Plugs: One often overlooked maintenance item is spark plugs. You should check your owner’s manual as each vehicle will vary. Dirty or corroded spark plugs will most likely lead to misfiring, which will then cause the engine to run poorly, also resulting in poor idling and the possibility of stalling. Loose/Broken Gas Cap: If you are lucky, the best case scenario is that you simply need to tighten your gas cap. Or, it could be broken or cracked, which will cause fuel vapors to evaporate from the gas tank, and trigger the check engine light. If that is the case, a quick trip to your local parts store for a replacement is in order.
July 11, 2023
SPRING IS IN THE AIR AT MARTINO’S AUTO CENTER It’s hard to believe that we are just 80 days away from Memorial Day Weekend! And, although we’ve had what is considered a mild winter in the Delaware Valley, I’m sure most of you are looking forward to the warm weather ahead. Here at Martino’s, we’ve had a few days this week in the upper 50’s with the bay doors open, so it is safe to say that we have a bit of spring fever. Let’s hope Punxsutawney Phil was right! Now that you are picturing yourself holding a drink on that beach or mountain, or grilling with friends and family, Martino’s wants to make sure you get there safe and sound. It’s not too early to start thinking of some quick and easy ways to ensure your summer driving goes smoothly. Check your A/C system: Unless you’re driving a convertible, you’re going to want cold air blasting during the hot summer months. Since it has probably been awhile since the A/C system has been turned on, now is a good time to double check. Let it run for a few minutes, and if you notice any strange noises or odors, or if it just isn’t blowing cold, let us know and we can help diagnose and fix the issue. Check air pressure in tires and swap out winter tires: As you are already aware, your tire pressure will fluctuate based on the weather. Check your owner’s manual for your vehicles correct tire pressure. Properly inflated tires will last longer and improve gas mileage. An improperly inflated tire can overheat, potentially leading to a blowout on the highway. You will also want to set an appointment to change out your winter tires with “summer”, or all-season tires. If you don’t have winter tires, rotating your tires can help extend tread life.  Inspect the windshield washer fluid and wiper blades: You know the old saying, April showers bring May flowers. Visibility is paramount, and over the winter months your wiper fluid may be getting low due to frequently de-icing your windshield. And, if you notice any streaks or noises now is good time to have your wiper blades replaced.
July 11, 2023
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT STATE INSPECTIONS AND EMISSIONS In PA, our inspection and emissions is yearly to make sure that their emission control systems are functioning properly. This check is to ensure that hazardous combustion gases are not being released into the atmosphere and reducing the air quality. In PA, the test is for a new emissions sticker. WHAT IS INVOLVED IN AN STATE EMISSIONS CHECK? During the inspection, the technician will measure the hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and emissions from evaporation from your vehicle. Some locations have digital scanners and others use a wand that is inserted into your vehicle’s tailpipe. WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU FAIL THE INSPECTION? If your emissions are higher than the state maximum level, your vehicle will fail the inspection and need to be repaired before having it re-tested. There are a number of things that can cause your vehicle to fail. Just a few of these include a leaky tailpipe or muffler, a problem with the air injection system, a contaminated oxygen sensor, a vacuum leak and a defective injection system. If your vehicle has failed the emissions test, you’ll need to take it to a state-approved auto mechanic for an auto diagnosis and auto repair. Your problem may be as simple as a check engine light that’s on or a more serious issue, such as an exhaust system that needs to be replaced. In some regions, the mechanic is able to retest your vehicle and issue you an inspection report after the vehicle has been repaired. When the vehicle passes the test, we affix a sticker to the windshield. While state inspections and emissions testing may seem like an extra hassle, this requirement has helped to improve the outdoor air quality in cities throughout the United States by up to 25 percent, according to the US EPA. To learn more about state emissions testing and to make an appointment to have your vehicle repaired so it will meet state emissions standards, contact Martino Auto Center at  (215) 348-1466  .
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